For those who are interested, we proudly collect donations for the Thurston County Food Bank. Donations can be placed in the donation box can next to the sidewalk.
The Thurston County Food Bank provides food throughout Thurston County, via its downtown Olympia service center, fifteen satellite food banks, mobile food banks in nine low-income neighborhoods, and weekend food bags that are distributed at area schools.
Food Donation Ideas
- High protein food such as canned chili, peanut butter, beans, or canned meat
- Pasta and macaroni and cheese
- Canned fruit and vegetables
- Soup
- Baby food and formula
Monetary Donation Ideas
Cash, or check written to “Thurston County Food Bank”
- $7.50 – ForKIDS weekend food bag
- $15 – One week’s Food Bank groceries for a family of four
- $30 – Thanksgiving box for a family of four
- $8.50 - Other Bank bag with personal care and household cleaning items